moved sand bed gunk on top?


I just got a 240 gal reef set up :jumping:

it was up and running, we had to take it down I moved the sand bed in buckets (it got really mixed up.) now that I have it back in the tank only 1/4 filled with h2o the water is really dirty and there is a film of brown dirt stuff it.
should I vac. it out?
or add the reast of the water and turn on the filter?
is has been in the tank for about 15 hours now and the h2o has cleared up some but you still can't see the back of the tank......
any feed back would help. :help:


Active Member
Yes, do a partial water change and keep your siphon down near the funk to pull it out. Try not to stir the sand any more than you have to, or it will take the tank that much longer to clear.