Movie Mess Ups...LETS HEAR THEM!


Active Member
so i was thinking today, we should start a topic about movie mess ups and to start it all off, i have one for ya...and see if u know what im talkin about...
In the movie old school, Mitch's Mitch-A-palooza was advertised on a poster outside his house as being on a thursday night right. Well if u listen to will ferrell when hes asked about having some beer, he responds..."No thanks i kinda gotta big day tomorrow.....actually a nice little saturday, gonna buy some flooring , wallpaper" well not exactly quoted but thats what happens! watch it next time you see that funny movie....


Anybody seen the little boy staring through the apartment window of Three Men and a Baby. Nice little ghost story about that boy.


Active Member
ahh yes and i just attended a seminar from a ghost hunter at my college and he studied that story. And it was a cut out that they used for stills that they forgot was there, and during editing they just thought no one would care or notice. BUT, the story of teh ghost does go that there was a kid that kkilled himself witha rifle and supposively that was his ghost. looks freaky when u think that story is true, and u can see a rifle supposively as the screen pans to the right following them walking to where they stand for a few seconds. Weird and nice story but proven untrue....i was a beleiver in that story until i saw this guys presentation.


Originally Posted by oneradtek
ahh yes and i just attended a seminar from a ghost hunter at my college and he studied that story. And it was a cut out that they used for stills that they forgot was there, and during editing they just thought no one would care or notice. BUT, the story of teh ghost does go that there was a kid that kkilled himself witha rifle and supposively that was his ghost. looks freaky when u think that story is true, and u can see a rifle supposively as the screen pans to the right following them walking to where they stand for a few seconds. Weird and nice story but proven untrue....i was a beleiver in that story until i saw this guys presentation.
I actually heard that he jumped out of the window of the apartmant being used in the film. Heard he was id'd by his mother after she saw the movie.


Active Member
hmm well just the differences in story tell me this isnt real haha....usually when there are differences , it just isnt fact to a point. anyways we should just make this a ghost forum!


If you play a beatles album backwards (forgot which one) it says "we buried paul" :scared:


Active Member
well in "King Kong", the fight seen, kong bites off one of the t-rexes tongue, but then a few seconds later,m you see the tongue again...


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I won't post the link to the site, but if you go to moviemistakes dot com there is an entire website devoted to this very topic.


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Personnally (sp?) I thought it was between okay and very-good. The beginning was VERY odd, with some wierd special effects, that kinda made the movie seem like a cheesy sci-fi flic, but if that is what they were going for they did a good job!
Now the middle, was THE BEST island scenes I have ever seen. The lush forests, ferocious beasts, and a bit of humor thrown in. The end was lacking, i felt, it seemed like the actors were tired of this movie, so they decided to half-a....err...half-act it. The only one who really kept her character was the female acctress, but then again, the writer (the actor who played a writer)was jaded at the ending scenes, but then again, he was jaded through the whole movie.
So, I would reccomend going to see it, even if it is just for the middle island scenes.
Now, this is just my opinion about this movie, and my opinions about movies are obscure, I mean, I LOVED AEON FLUX.


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Does anyone buy into the tripe about the Kong movies being racist? Kong being an image for the enslaved African people-bringing them to the new world and, being unnatural, causes BIG problems?


Die Hard 1. When Bruce Willis is in the hotel He has a white tee shirt on. Then he has a gray tee shirt on, then back to the white tee shirt.


Active Member
I saw that story on Drudgereport . com. And yeah, I thought it was a HUGE stretch. Silly me--I thought it is a movie about a big gorilla thing.


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In Jurasic park 1 when Dr. Grant is sitting in the mud by the car and the T-rex is sniffing around for him... the T-rex sniffs Grant's hat right off... well if you look at the right side of the screen you can see that the air is not coming from the T-rex's nose.. but from 'something' off the screen... its nifty :)
Of course some of the 'classic' messups or such as In Aladdin when the princess and Aladdin are on the balcany and for a couple seconds it shows the Genie while he is talking you can hear Aladdin talking.. and I swear you hear 'take off your clothes'.
Also in Aladdin when they are in the cave of wonders or whatever.. and all the lava starts pouring out and the monkey is holding the lamp and the rocks are exploding on each side of him.. at one point the monkey actually yells out 'oh sh*t'... but for some reason nobody really notices.
In the Lion King it actually sorta looks like it says '---' in the clouds. I forget which part of the movie its in.. but its there and I sorta could see it ;)
In the Little Mermaid during the wedding I guess it is... the little preacher? guy has a....... well... he is really excited to see that cute little girl ... i'll say that.


Active Member
Speg-to add to the Little Mermaid, there is a resemblance to that body part on one of the castles steeples or whatever on the cover, which is why when they re-released it, they made a new cover. Also, the point where it says --- is when Simba lays down in the flowers and the seeds catch in the wind, ...... There's another one too but I can't remember right off hand what it was
OK, in pretty woman, the morning after the hook-up, they are eating and Julia Roberts grabs a croissant and takes a bite, when they pan back to her, she is chomping away on a pancake.


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Originally Posted by rberhow
OK, in pretty woman, the morning after the hook-up, they are eating and Julia Roberts grabs a croissant and takes a bite, when they pan back to her, she is chomping away on a pancake.
i thought it was a bagle... croissant to bagle...


Active Member
Originally Posted by rberhow
Speg-to add to the Little Mermaid, there is a resemblance to that body part on one of the castles steeples or whatever on the cover, which is why when they re-released it, they made a new cover. Also, the point where it says --- is when Simba lays down in the flowers and the seeds catch in the wind, ...... There's another one too but I can't remember right off hand what it was
OK, in pretty woman, the morning after the hook-up, they are eating and Julia Roberts grabs a croissant and takes a bite, when they pan back to her, she is chomping away on a pancake.
Also in this scene she takes a bite of the pancake they pan over to richard gere then back to her and WONDERS of wonders the pancake is whole!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
Also in this scene she takes a bite of the pancake they pan over to richard gere then back to her and WONDERS of wonders the pancake is whole!!!
I forgot about that one. Hmmm, could this be because she has probably never eaten a pancake in her life????