Movie of tank!


Active Member
hey all, you can go to this link and see a movie clip of the 10 aquarium i have...trying to get a diff movie on without the stupid heading in the middle of the screen,but this is it for now, lol.
let me know if it doesnt work! Enjoy

Luke P


Very cool, what are those things opening and closing?? Is the water movement making them look like that or are they actually opening and closing??


Active Member
they are called pulsing xenia, and yea, they close and open on their own, its awesome, i love watching them..i just wish it was by my bed so i could lay down and watch them, lol
Luke P


Oh but first before I jump the gun, what kind of lighting do you have them under?? Are they are to care for?? Will they harm my zoo's??


Active Member
well,i have them under 1 65W PC...they are doing fine on all levels of my tank...i have those frags that i could trade...they dont harm anything tha ti know of, i'm planning on getting some zoos for my tank as well...howeverrrrr, xenias dont ship well as far as i know unless someone has found a better way....but i dont know bout it.
Luke P
Edit: Or sell


Active Member
"Aggressiveness: Low. Xenia doesnt possess any apparent stinging capabilities, and will not bother other corals, but tends to grow over and shadow its neighbors. "
Edit: email me to talk about gettin some, i live in Indiana, not to far away