

New Member
I've got a 46 gallon bow tank. only 5 fish, a few snails and a cleaner shrimp. all are rather young. tank is about 7 months old. I'm movin across town. does anyone have any advice? obviously I have to find a way to keep all of my water. I'm thinkin large plastic garbage can and strap it to a dolly. should i transport the fish in plastic bags individually? does the live rock need to be submerged?
any help would be appreciated.


yeah you could use big tupperwar tubs;
or if you trust your local fish store you could leave your fish there and take them back when you are ready :thinking:


Not that I have been doing this long enough to know, because I haven't, but I will refer you to an article in the latest Aquarium Fish Magazine - October's Issue. There is an article on moving/upgrading in it that seems to cover the basics.
Good Luck, let us know how it goes.


Active Member
search past threads ,there has been many people that have moved tanks including myself and had good luck and some good tips that they have shared.You might answer a lot of your questions that way.good luck.really it is not as hard as it would seem just takes a little planning :joy:


I used the white 5g pail that the salt comes in. They worked great. I only moved the tank about 25 miles. Look for a nitrate spike. Mine did about 10 days later I guess from all the sediment stirred up.