Hey there shark, congrats on your new tank! I may be *way* off mark here but I'll put in my .02 worth anyway. I'm guessing that they are using 3/4 inch plate glass for a tank that length to avoid bowing on the front and back, well at 10', that's about 975 pounds, just for the front and back, guessing again here, that's probably about 1500 pounds overall (assuming all glass construction here). Along with the U-Haul you might consider renting some *very large* guys to help you out! I'm building my tank out of wood and glass and it's going to weigh in at about 700 pounds empty, I've already started recruiting people to help me and I'm just moving it 12 or 15 feet from garage to family room. Anyway, hope all goes well and I'm sure a 10' tank is going to be beautiful! Later Paul