Moving a creeping gorgonian.


Hi guys, well moving day for my fish is coming soon. i will be moving a significant portion of my old 55 into a new 125 gallon. In the process though, I need to move a large creeping Gorgonian "encrusting gorgonian" Problem is, that it has fused two large rocks together that I need to seperate to move. I have never tried to frag corals before but have done some reasurch on the mater. I was wondering if I could use a scaple or other sharp fraging instument to cut though the waxy body to seperate the rocks. If you need, I can try and send a picture so you can see what I mean.
Any help would be awesome!
thankyou in advance.


decided to show a picture of the coral while it was sleeping, unfortunatly there is alot of noise in the picture so bear with me here. But you can see how the coral has grown off of its starter rock and onto the the intended rock below it. Unfortunatly, I let it grow onto the next rock in the series. So I have to deal with that, just to get it out of the aquarium.
Any help will be awesome. I just dont want to damage the thing.