moving a fish tank


New Member
i have a 10g tank, that i am going to have to move in 2 weeks
i have 3 fish (1 perc, 1 yellow damsel, watchman goby), 2 shrimp (1 pistle, 1 peppermint), some coral, snails, and hermits
i was going to bag every thing then move it, then just set it all back up when i get to the new shop i am putting it up at.
this is only 5 min away from where it is now so am thinkin this is the best way to do this
i just want to know your thoughts on this or if you have any better way of doing this
thinks for any help


when i moved my eclipse 12 it only had live rock and fish. but we took half the water out so we could carry it and put it in a big jug. left everything else including the fish in the tank. you might have to get buckets for the fish and liverock if there is corals on it, i havent experienced that yet.


I had to move my tank during the winter in the back of a pickup truck. I just put the fish in a styrofoam cooler with a heater in it until I left, this kept the temp fairly constant. I would just use five gallon buckets with enough water to cover the rock and stuff. I would also recommend having some makup water handy. HTH


Active Member
Moving tanks
I wish you the best of luck....I usually lose at least one item (when I did it in the past).


i just moved my tank down stairs and i put my fish in a bucket. they were a little shooken up but did not die
good luck:happy:


Active Member
That's what I did the last time I was forced to move my 10g, I took out most of the rock, however the sand bed gets disturbed and I believe that leads to more problems that you can handle at one time in a nano.
We had to move our 100 gallon when we moved into this house.
We put the fish in a large rubber container and the rock in several others. I would just do that. Bagging them sounds like too much work.


Just bought a 75 from a guy in citti and moved in 300 miles. We did the same thing. I saved as much of his water as i could and droped the fish in a 5 gallon bucket, and off we went the hardest thing was keeping the fish warm. When we got to his house it was like 16c


New Member
well the movie came it took me about an hour to movie it
all to the new shop. i ended up using 2 5g buckets.
it all went fine did not loss a thing.
but now i am thinkin of gitting a bigger tank for the shop
it is on top a cube stand at the end of the conter
so i think a cube tank would look nicer plus be bigger
thanks for all your help