Moving a sw tank


I have a chance to purchase a 55g sw tank with one damsel. I'm wondering about how to move it to my house. What precautions can you suggest?


I have moved my 55 gallon tank two times this year(one of the two was last week). Here is how to move a 55 gal tank:
1. Prep tank for moving (get equipment undone, clean glass and filters if needed)
2. Go buy 4 32-gallon trash cans (the soft plastic rubbermaid cans(not toxic to fish)) and wash them out with water just for a minute or less
3. Start siphoning water out of the tank in to the garbage cans until the can is about 1/3 of the way full (water is heavy remember)
4. Once the water is low and you put the LR or whatever stuff is in a can you can easily scoop up the damsel in a cup ( i think it is less stressful on the fish than a net)(if the can has a lid on it so the fish is in the dark it is less stressful too)
5. Put empty tank(i left sand in it and the tank didn't break, i have a 4 inch sand bed) and put the cans in a truck and you are good to go
6. When you get to your house sit a powerhead in the trash can with the fish to get circulation going
7. Position tank and LEVEL stand so it is even, then siphon water back into the tank( don't try to stir sand around)
8. Once tanks is filled and water is settled put fish in( the first time I did this the take was so cloudy i had to leave my grouper and trigger in the can overnight, but if you don't mess with the sand to much you can put him right in)
9. Return Garbage cans to the store(so keep your recepit)
Hope this helps!