moving a tank


New Member
i have a 10g tank, that i am going to have to move in 2 weeks
i have 3 fish (1 perc, 1 yellow damsel, watchman goby), 2 shrimp (1 pistle, 1 peppermint), some coral, snails, and hermits
i was going to bag every thing then move it, then just set it all back up when i get to the new shop i am putting it up at.
this is only 5 min away from where it is now so am thinkin this is the best way to do this
i just want to know your thoughts on this or if you have any better way of doing this
thinks for any help

ky reefer

yea that sounds good just make sure you keep all the water so you dont have to cycle again


I just moved my 10 gallon about a month and a half ago
this is what I did:
first I bought 2 rubbermaid containers that I knew were at least 6 gallons each.
I started syphoning water from my tank into the rubbermaid container. once the container was almost full of tank water I started putting liverock and corals into the container and put the lid on it and repeat. drain as much of your water as possible into the containers. when moving the containers be very carefull so that your liverock dosen't slide around and smash corals, inverts, fish, etc.
when you have moved and are ready to set back up SLOWLY syphon the water out of the containers back into the tank also make shure that the end of the syphon tube that has water coming out is up aganst the glass so you dont stir up the sand bed any more than you allready have
replace livestock and your done. Being winter my biggest problem was heat loss. My water dropped about 10 degrees but all was fine in the end no losses corals were fully opened in about 8 hours


That's pretty much the same thing we did when we moved my friend's tank from his apartment back to his parents' house a few months ago, and nothing at all was lost. His tank started leaking a few months later though (it was really old) and we transferred everything to a new tank in the same manner. The only thing that was lost that time was a lobster, because another friend of ours ripped off one of its claws when he netted it. So be careful of your crustaceans, lol. :D