Moving A Tank?


New Member
I have a question about moving an established tank. I am doing research on saltwater tanks and am hoping to get one as soon as I find a new job. Here's my problem, I know that when I do get a job I'll be living in an apartment for a year or so and that it will be a temporary place to live, so what I'm wondering is when I do get a more permanent place, how easy will it be to move the tank and set it up again with established fish and stuff? Will it go through a cycle again? How will I house my fish?


New Member
I just want to know because I don't want to get something if it's not possible to move it when I know I'll be moving a year after setting it up. No replies?


it's possible. but NOT fun. I'd say wait until you move. In the mean time use the time to slowly acquire the equipment you'll need. It's much easier spending $100 here... then a month later spend $200... etc...
as opposed to having to drop $800 in one shot for pumps, skimmer, lights, etc..
and while you're doing that, you can be reading and planning.
just my $.02.
(I'm about a week away from the big leak test on a 125 I've had empty for 3 years. I've been planning the system -layout, plumbing, hardware- since March.)


We had tile installed and had to break down a 48 gal hex. we used several large styrofoam coolers added as much of the water into the containers that would just cover the rock, we used a couple of the containers just for the fish. Kept a flow and heater for all of them, and re-set up 2 days later. Didn't lose a thing!
good luck


Active Member
you can use any kind of container to hold your water/fish/rock/corals durring the move as long as its a mater of a day or two. the coral/fish will still need water flow and heat/cool to keep them at the same temp as your tank is normally at. Walmart sells water jugs for camping that hold 3-8 gallons . they cost a bit but will allow you to save the water. 5 gallon buckets from homdepot will hold rock and sand and can be covered with a lid.


Active Member
A few tips for moving.
  • Save as much of the original tank water as you can.
  • Make sure to take measurements of the new location prior to moving the tank.
  • Wrap live rock in strong, wet paper towels, not newspaper.
  • Try to get plastic bags for free from your lfs.
    Try to get styrofoam coolers from your lfs. They often give these away for free.
    Never mix inverts and fish in the plastic bags.
    If possible, keep only one critter per bag.
    Inject oxygen into the bags if your trip is longer than 45 minutes.
Thats off the top of my head. Make sure you remember to acclimate everything!