moving a tank


Does anyone have advice about the proper, or best, procedure for moving my tank from one state to another? We are military and forsee a change in station in the next year or so and would like advice about moving my tank. I don't want to get rif of my collection, since I have come to love this hobby immensely. Any thoughts? I want to know how to prepare, even though it is not close yet.


I suppose it really depends on how far you're moving and if you're be able to personally transport it. Or leaving it with the military movers. In general though, try to maintain as much of your original water as possible. Prepare for several water changes after the move. Remove ALL lr, sand, substrate,water from the tank before you attempt to move it.


you sound like me, I am in the military, and I have a 46gl tank and I think I’m moving in a year or so. I have a buddy that has a fish store, and when I move I am going to move it to his shop, then go find a place to live, and then when I am ready I’m going to come back and move them to my home. You could do that with a friend. I think I will get some big jugs and fill them with tank water in the back of my truck, bye a car battery and get a dc to ac converter so I can put my fish in a jug with a lid on it and run a air pump, heater, and filter in the jug, plus it limits what the fish can see. I will drain my tank move it to the car then fill it just to cover the live rock, and put all my coral in a 10gl. Its not going to be fun any way you look at it. The military movers will not move anything alive or any fluid.