moving anenome


My anemone decided to take a trip. It is fairly large, 12"x12". He is now partially laying on my cabbage coral. Should I worry about the coral. Doesn't appear to be bothering it yet.


Active Member
I dont think that the foot of the anemone will 'bother' or sting the coral BUT the anemone is going to take away from the amount of light and nutrient that the coral gets and in the long run will probably cause the decline of the coral.
I would try to get him to move. Change the water pattern in the tank so its different and he will move to a more desirable location- off your coral!


Active Member
Being that anemones are not reef safe and will harm corals , I move it carefully and asap .


There isn't much place to go for a large anemone in a 92 corner tank. You'll have to decide corals or anemone or both. If you choose both then you will have to live with the consequences.