Moving from a 20g to a 65g...I have a question


I have a 20 gal reef tank that has been up and running for 16 months now, lots of softies, tons of nice coraline algea, 2 fish, crabs, snails ect... I have 25 lbs live rock, 20 lbs live sand.
Im setting up a 65 gal AGA RR tank with a 20g long sump. Once I get it all put together and filled with fresh salt, can I empty my 20g into it without any ill effects or should I wait a period of time?
I also wonder if anyone has done something similar and had good sucess with the transfer. Will the new tank cycle? or will the water,rock,sand from the established tank help prevent the cycle from occurring?


I moved my 55 into a 125. everything went really good and nothing died.
I used rock, sand, water, and everything else in the tank.


Active Member
it will acually be really good if you put your 20 gallon water in because is has gone through the cycle and is really healthy water it will help your 65 out alot more and you wont really have to go through the cycle


Active Member
. do a water change in your 20g and put that in your 65g and let that run in the 65g for a few days and then add the 20g.


Active Member
So, did you do the switch? I spent Friday evening and all of Saturday morning switching my 37gal over to a 46gal bf. My new tank looks great, but at a price. I lost one of my key players in the tank, my coral beauty angel and my CB shrimp is not looking too good. Also, I haven't seen my royal gramma since yesterday afternoon when he was out and about, and actually looking pretty good. Hopefully he'll be out soon to eat. Everyone else seems find and dandy and my new tank looks pretty great...
Oh, I did use change out water and the water from my 37gal to fill the new tank. I had to place the new tank where the old one was, which complicated things a little. All in all, things went well. Now the monitoring...and light acclimating.
Hope your switch went well. Post pics if you can.
Lisa :happyfish