Moving in 5 Months - Wait?


I am moving in 5 months, and I am just about to set-up a new tank, should I wait until I move, or is there a way to move the tank? The only way I could lift the tank is to remove like 75% of the water... not sure if this is possible?


Active Member
its possible but difficult. someone on here moved there tank across a couple states. itd be easier with a smaller tank, so if yours isnt too big, id say go for it, but if its a big tank why not just wait? its only 5 months.


Active Member
How far are you moving. What size tank are we talking. Get a power inverter so you can run a heater. And stuff for fish but if the tank is not set up then I would not do it yet. More stress then it is worth


waiting is a smart choice, less hassle to deal with down the road, then you can decide where you want it and be able to take your time without any stress on your tank and yourself


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
It will be easier to wait, IMO, and less risky.

Originally Posted by jrod4u

waiting is a smart choice, less hassle to deal with down the road, then you can decide where you want it and be able to take your time without any stress on your tank and yourself
completely agree. it's hard enough to swap out a tank that's leaking, but moving one has got to be a nightmare


I think I have everyone beat! I moved my 80 gal. (with fish) twice in one week! They all survived also. We bought a house, moved in, agreements weren't kept so we had to move out....Pain in the butt....but hey we have the tank moving system down....


Sorry I have everyone beat. I moved three 125s and a 150 across three states. I only lost two fish and I had alot. I used plastic tubs, right time of year for the outside weather and battery operated air stones. ( I know air bubbles aren't good but it was the only way to create movement and oxygen in the water. It was the biggest pain in the butt thing I ever did and I swore never to do it again. I mean the first thing I did after the long truck was unload and start setting up my tanks. They came before I was able to unpack or unload anything else. On my last move from Florida to South Carolina, I donated everything in my tank to a LFS, moved and started over. Wait till you move to set up the tank !


it might be a good idea that you start piping and getting things ready. if you do it right and use lots of unions you should be able to pipe it up and then just disconnect the unions. The piping took a lot longer then i expected.