Moving Location


Ok here's a quick question. In a month or so I am moving to another house on the other side of town and during the process I plan on replacing the current 30gallon tall tank I have for a show model which is longer and shorter... Now for my question, the new tank will require more sand to cover the bottom. Should I use the sand I currently have in my tank and just add new sand to the top or bottom of my old sand? Or should I just buy new sand all together and trash all of my old sand? Which would be the best for my tank and my inhabitants?


currently it is about 2" but the new tank will be about 6 inches longer and I'd want to keep the current depth if not a little higher


no dont trash your old sand, you have alot of good bacteria in it that you need in your new tank or you will be starting your cycle all over again.
When i moved i put all of my live rock coral and fish in a tub filled with my tank water (and moved it last by the way) with a power head and a heater in it. as for the LS just mix it together and let your tank settle down for a while before you go to add your live stock and check your peramiters.
thats what worked for me


Thanks for the help all... that is what I figured would be the best solution but I just wanted to make sure.