moving of fish question


i am planning my saltwater fish to my new 125 gallon tank in about 2 to 2 .5 months from a 55 gallon setup.
whats the best way and least stressful way to move the fish to new tank. do i need to acclimate them to the new tank.
following inhabitants are:
yellow tang
coral beauty
clownfish with anemone
blue damsel
cowfish boxfish
couple gobies
and couple have fish can't think of right now.
my plan is to buy all the live rock i need around april 1. 135 lbs worth.
around may 10 or so , after live rock is cured
start moving fish into bigger tank
any recommendation on which fish to move first
i will end up with 175 to 200 lbs of live rock in the 125 gallon tank by the time it is all done . about 50 to 75 lbs already in my 55 gallon tank.


Active Member
well a) ur list itself is fairly long for a 55 b) u should take the water u have now (or then rather) and put it in there while u have the fish elsewhere, u should sort of temp acclimate em since parmeters should be the same or bettr w/ the new water.


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
well a) ur list itself is fairly long for a 55 b) u should take the water u have now (or then rather) and put it in there while u have the fish elsewhere, u should sort of temp acclimate em since parmeters should be the same or bettr w/ the new water.

thats why i upgraded to a 125 gallon tank and also to allow more room fish to swim.
my 55 gallon tank will stay up and running till everything has been transferred into the new 125 gallon tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by topofsteel
is vry hrd t undstd wht u r sang. pt don th bng plz!
ooh rnt u funny.... and can i have a translation?