Moving/placing Rose BTA


I just got a Rose BTA. I built a little rubble area up for it in the midst of a sand plane. But when I put it in the tank, the current floated it into the corner of the "drop-off" wall I've created for other corals and it latched onto the first rock it contacted. ( I tried to guid it toward the rubble but it was sticky and when I shook it off my glove it drifted away) It is now seeming to pull itself deeper into a corner where it gets less than full light and currents seem to pass food right by it (the clowns havn't even noticed it yet).
my question is this - should I try moving it? will trying to pull it off of rocks it's attached itself to damage it? does sit PREFER to be vertical/on tha wall rather than horizontal in an open field?
thanks for any advice.


anemones move to where they want to be... if he is moving in the current chances are he did not like the location you picked for him!