moving question


New Member
I want to buy a 20 gallon nano aquarium. The problem is that I am currently living in a rental house. I will be moving back into my regular house sometime next year. Is it okay to set-up the tank now? Would the fishes/corals survive the trip to the other house?(The difference between the two houses is about 3 blocks) Or should I just wait another year and set the aquarium up in the new house?
Thanks for all the help!


Go for it :jumping: I will be moving all my tanks 2 hours away in a few months, it will be a pain because I have so many corals but it can be done. There are some great old posts on moving tanks on this site just do a search.


Active Member
It can be done to move it, but a full year of maturity will kind of disappear when you move it because it will be tough to get the rocks and corals exactly where they were; especially if some corals grow across two large rocks. If it is less than a year that you will be moving I would wait and start a fish fund and save more money so you can get a slightly larger tank once you move!


I have to disagree, there is a person on this board that moves their nano tank 4 times a year in and out of their dorm room at college without issues. Done correctly on this small of a tank and only 3 blocks away IMO won't cause any problems. BTW I am constantly rearranging things in my small tanks to frag, to clean, to move corals that are getting too close and so forth. I LOVE my small tanks and don't buy into the bigger is better concept. Yes, I will concede that smaller tanks take more care in that things can go wrong quickly because of a smaller water volume but the trick is to do your weekly water changes faithfully and test your water. The only problem I ever had was a bad batch of water that I bought from my LFS but a few small daily water changes got my testing back to normal in no time with no ill effects to my corals or fish.
I imagine there are all sorts of reasons why a person would choose smaller tanks such as expense, space, or as in my case just a desire and fascination with anything on a small scale. I have 5 tanks, all under 30 gal.