Moving Reef tank


I have had my tank setup for about 2 months and I need to move it down stairs due to the fact that it is getting to much sun light and I can't get the temp below 80-84 (which I think is why most my stuff is dying and my alge is out of control). I have added a black sheet around the tank during the day to try and cut down the sun light but it doesn't seem to help. So my question is two fold one when I move the tank should a try and keep the water (which was tap water but have done three 10% water changes with DI water plus top offs with DI) or start over with all DI water. If I should keep the water I'm thinking of using another 55gl tank I have to hold most of it (and all the life) while I move and resetup the tank in the basment. Any thoughs welcome.


I think if you have the ability to move everything into another tank and start over you should. Yes I know that it will set you back months while your tank cycles, but look at it this way. You can correct anything that you think you did wrong, while still keeping everything you have alive in the other tank. That way you could judge which set up workes better the old one or the new one. That just my two cents. :D :D


I recently (@easter) moved everything from a 45g hex into a new 58g tank. I drained the water into rubbermaid containers, put the rock and critters into another container(with some water), moved the sand to the other tank, put 1/2 the old water into the new tank, and used new ro water to finish filling it up. Then put all the rock and critters (except damsels and psuedochromis) into the new tank. Had no major problems (caused a small spike, but not enough to hurt anything). 3 weeks later and everything is running good, didn't loose a single critter or coral. Gonna wait another week before adding anything new.
It'd be a great time to add more sand if needed (I added another 100lbs of dead sand while I had tank torn down). Also is a great time to remove unwanted fish (like my damsels).


Trying4 reef,
I'm reading two different issues here. One: if you want to move your tank downstairs, I think you've already received some good advice. Two:if you think water temp in the 80-84 range is the primary casue of your algea problem and that's the only reason why you want to move your tank, I'd suggest you save yourself the trouble (and your animals the stress)of the move. By itself, that temp will not cause your algea problem. If your tank was sitting in direct sunlight, that might have been a contributor to the problem. My tank is right next to my deck door and gets sun from dawn until early afternoon....and I don't have an algea I had a high phosphate reading and that caused an algea problem until I got it under control. I also had some recurrent green algea growing on my glass until I bought a good clean-up crew.
Point I'm trying to make......moving your tank may not solve your problem. Test for phosphates, make sure you're cleaning your CC well, don't overfeed, get some more snails and crabs and I'll bet you can leave your tank where it is....if you want it there. :p


Thanks for the input one more question I have seen a lot of post about getting rid of damsels. Mine seems to be fine with my sebae clown and yellow mimic tang. any reason I should not put him back in after the move? ( need to move for more resons then alge problem, should have thought it through before jumping in. live and learn; so we hope :)


Be thankful you're just moving it downstairs. In a few months I have to move mine from Wa. to San Diego. Best of luck on the move.


damsels get a bad rap all the time; most of the time it's due to "USER ERROR" :D used to cycle a new tank sacrificial lambs thought they would be cool but now... ETC. we've had yellow tails for almost a year w/o problems except occasinal territoy thing like most fish; they do sometimes become overly aggressive pr gp after thnigs they should not


Hey ijji, it's me Matt. I'll be there tomorrow night. I think I'm going to go down a month early to set up a small tank so Beavis and his mates will have a place when we arrive. See you tomorrow. M. (B.T.)