Moving Reef tank


New Member
We have a 30 gallon reef tank and a 55 gallon salt water tank that we need to move from one house to another. What is the best way to move them so we don't loose all the coral and fish? This is around a 10 mile move.


The first thing I did was went to the new location and got a large batch of salt water going. Then I planned on moving as much of the tank water as I could. I got some rubbermade containers when I moved my 29 and filled them about 1/2 way with water. I am gonna guess about 8 - 10 gallons in each which made them heavy, but moveable. Another option is to use those 2.5 gallon water bottles that spring water comes in. A bit more manageable to move. (So I took about 18 gallons of water with me.)
I didn't have any corals to move, but the live rock got put into plastic buckets and I covered them to help keep the moisture in. Live sand went into another rubbermade.
I used tupperwear containers for the fish, snails, and hermit crabs. They hold a decent amount of water and the lid is secure.
Set everything back up, put the live sand back in, put the tank water back in, put in the live rock, and added new SW so that the tank was about 80% full. Then acclimated the fish a bit in the tupperwear containers and put them back into the tank. I filled the tank the rest of the way over the next few days. Basically did a 40% or so water change, but over a few days to help reduce the stress.

tony detroit

Active Member
Go to the hardware store and buy buckets and lids.
You'll need one for every five gallons.
Buy a big hose, like a 1 inch inside diameter. You can start a siphon and put it down by the gravel and it will suck it up and right into the bucket. Then do some with live rock and water. The rest put your fish in.


I have a 180 Reef that I have to move in about 3 weeks! Man, am I dredding that.........Where do I begin????


Active Member
buy rubbermaids and/or sterlites for hte rocks/water/sand.
Get some covered buckets for the fish - make sure they go into a large cooler.
Styrofoam coolers for the corals or get some styrofoam fish boxes from your LFS (pays to frequent an LFS).
I would suggest a piece of plywood and a level surface for each tank to rest on so you can move the tank without issues.
If you can pack the critters a few days early and move the tanks then you would be set .... Move the tanks over - get the water sand in - run air hoses/pumps into the fish/coral containers ....
close everything - move and then re-acclimate ... a lot of praying might help as well ....
If you have a long distance move it becomes trickier I think ...


actually, its about 2 miles away. Its going to be a lot of work, but looking forward to it in some wierd way. Its gonna be a fun day!!!


Active Member
There is a wealth of info on this board about this subject. Doing a search will yield favorable results.
I recently moved my tank as well and its not as big a deal as it seems so long as you are prepared with all your supplies.


Have you guys ever thought of asking your LFS to see if they can hold your live stock for a few days? Most will for a small fee. I think it would be best to do it this way so that you can get your water right and let the sand settle after you add it back in the tank. I would think that it would only take like 3 days or so. That way you dont have to worrie about your live stock, just your equipment settin up. Rick


Ive actually moved a friends 90 gallon Reef, it was a lot of work but we got it down and up in about 5 hours. I'm hopeing to do the same with mine, I'm actually having a few guys from the Pet Store helping me and they've dont it hundreds of times, si it should go smooth...... I hope!