Moving Soon HELP!!


Hey guys,
Its been a while since I last posted....I need some advise on how to move a 46 gallon Bow Front aquarium and a regular 20 gallon....HELP ME!

sinner's girl

are you moving out it of the house or just to another room? how long will the tanks be down?


Check out a very recent thread in "Eqipment and DIY" called "Moving." There is some help there.


I just got my aquarium about a week or so ago. I got it from a friend who had it for a year. When we moved it we put a fish and crab in one 5 gal bucket, and the other fish and shrimp in another. Than we put the LR in buckets drained the water and moved QUICK. Keep the live rock submerged in buckets so as not to have an ammonia spike. Keep as much water as possible. We kept the LS in the tank with barely any water. As soon as you get to where you want to be set up right away. My tank is doing great now...its a 55 gallon.


I moved about a month ago. 4 tanks, 2 SW and 2 FW. Decided to change from a cc substrate to a DSB while I was at it. Also combined a couple of FW tanks at the same time. (Originally had 7 tanks). As far as the SW went, I took all the LR and put it in a cooler with just enough water to cover the rock. Took it to the new place and put a powerhead in there. The fish were taken in separate containers along with shrimp, snails, brittlestar. All the small fish and inverts were put into the cooler and left there overnight while the sand settled in the tanks. The lionfish had been moved two days before everything else and he was put in a bare 20g with the filter pad from the original tank and a heater . I also took several large clean containers with water from the original tanks to add to the 20g and to the main tanks.
Be careful when moving tanks that they are supported properly. If they are older tanks, watch them carefully for a few days after set up to make sure they don't spring a leak.
I will wish you luck on this. I didn't have much luck when I moved, the 55g (old tank) sprung a leak after the move, so did the 20g (another older tank that started leaking a week afterwards so it was fully stocked, gee thanks), a 40g was dropped, a 10g was smashed, and the all glass hood for the 55 was dropped as were some lights. The heater failed in the lion's tank and the water temp dropped to 68 degrees! (Thermostat in the new house failed too!) Despite all this, all the fish and inverts survived!


i used 55 gal trash cans, (never been used.) I moved a 135 65 amd a 55. seperate out the fish into one and make sure thee is nothing in with them. (cause rocks can fall during the drive and squish them) don't fill the cans all the way unless you like to have saltwater all over the back out your truck. same with roccks and corals if you have any. aslong as you are quick / have an aerator n them (that being the fish) you should be good. My tanks were the last thing i moved and the first thing i set up


I have a regular wooden stand and I'm moving about 15 minutes away from my current location so its not a far drive at all.
Let me know!

salty guy

Lots of LFS have services that move tanks. I had one quote me to move mine when I was looking to sell my house. But the people that bought the house wanted the tank and paid way more that I had in it so I let them keep it.
Check with some LFS they may be of some help.
Just noticed you are from Cincinnati. Were are you moving from to. If its near and you need a place to keep some special fish I have a nice q tank that will hold some fish for you.
If you need a extra set of hands I can help there too.


New Member
From what I can see is that there is not any more possible suggestions. Just be sure that you try to keep as much water as possible as well as making sure you dont mix rock with the fish or inverts as well as keeping heaters in with the fish and if they will be out of the tank for a while, you might want to make sure you have a powerhead in with them to help with water rotation as well as getting some oxygen mixed into the water. Also, try to make it the last, thing that you move. By doing this, you know you will have room for it and so on.
Good luck.


About two months ago i moved my 250 gallon reef and also my 125 gallon fowlr tank plus a 55 gallon fresh water tank. It ws pretty easy.
you take all your live rock and put it in big barrels and put water in ther to keep it wet. Then you take your fish and you can either bag them like at a pet store same with your coral. If bags are not hand but fish in smaller buckets. The corals do the same thing but wrap them in paper towels. And keep them submerged.
have a couple people help you with this endevor. It takes some time but it is well worth it I did not lose a single item in the move. I have moved about a hundred tanks this way and never had any problem. best of luck to you. Thank god you are not moving far that helps.