Moving tank inhabitants....


New Member
Well, i just finished moving all my inhabitants from my FO tank to my new 55 gal. Question is, after taking everything out of my FO tank except the CC, there still are TONS of pods & critters left in the CC of my old tank (easily visable at night). Should i consider trying to transport some of the life from the old tank to the new? i.e. a big bowl of CC in the new tank for a few days? Or is it too much of a hassle? I'm going to shut the tank down soon... Any ideas or recommendations?
oh btw... 55 has lil' over 4" DSB & just finished cycling this past week.


Active Member
Anything else in the new tank? If you have lr in there I think you have a novel idea. I never heard of setting a bowl of cc in the tank, but if you do it slowly it sounds like a pretty cool idea to me. You plan on leaving it in there for a few days and let the pods hop out right?
Let us know how that works if you decide to do it.
Dan'l :D


Active Member
I have heard of puting the cc in a nylon, (tying it)and they will infest the new sand. (I have never done this)Its worth a shot. LOL