Moving Tank Please Help


I have a 55 gallon Fish only with live rock tank. I have a yellow tang, tomato clown, two chromis, a coral beauty, and a snowflake eel. At the end of this month i am moving, only about 20 minutes up the road, but still far enough. I need any tips with moving my set up. When i fill it back up will i need ot cycle it again, how long till i can put the fish back in etc. I am really worried about moving it. Please help Thank you


you can keep all your fish in buckets with some sort of aeration for a couple of days while everything is getting set up.. i'd use a seperate container for each fish.. try to save as much of your water as possible as for the rock etc. again buckets with some newspaper wetted from your tank wrapped around your rocks.. keep your sand in the tank if you can.. and when you get it set up in the new house fill it back with as much of your old water as you can.fill it the rest with new saltwater mix use RO/DI for this. then hook up al your filters and lights get it all set up.. put your live rock in there..keep you fish aerated for a couple hours.. yes they will be stressed but if you take your time they'll be ok.. wait till your salinity is good and the water in the tanksettles and has filtered through at least a couple times.. i'd say a good two hours.. then one at a time while the lights are off begin putting in you fish.. one at a time.. since you only moing 20 minutes down the road and your tank isn't incredibly huge this process is a bit easier.. this is the procedure i used to move a freind of mine's tank.. everything turned out ok.. ..if someone here has a much better way please take their advice. this is just how i have done it.. if you can find someplace to keep all your fish for a period of time.. like your lfs holding them for you that would also be a way to go then you could wait for a much longer period of time to make sure everything was ok.. we didn't have that conveneince then so ... well good luck..and i hope this helps you..


Active Member
If your only going 20min away I would move everything but the tanks. When everythings off the truck go back and do the tank. This way your tank is only down for a couple hours. Put your LR in buckets covered with tank water, put your animals in buckets as well, but not in the same bucket as the LR. Save as much water as possible, but leave a little, just enough to keep the LS wet, two men should be able to move it with the sand left in, if it's a DSB and its to thick and therefore to heavy your going to have to take some of it out and put it in one of the LR buckets. put evrything on the truck together. After you put it back together keep an eye on those levels some of your bio-filter will need to grow back and some of your infuana if present may die in the move. This is the plan I've used successfuly through many moves. HTH - Good Luck.