Totally the right decision... Never move a tank with anything in it. It is not worth the risk of tearing the seal. The whole tank is held together with silicone for pities sake. You don't what greif is until your tank leaks after you put everything back in. Better safe than sorry.
The water is not a big deal, saving a few 5g jugs of established water is enough, the rock and sand has all the good bacteria in and on it. Rinse the sand in SW to make sure it's free of toxins hiding deep underneath the surface. Put the rocks in a tub with the old water and when the tank is moved just put the rock in buckets and take them downstairs to the tank, nothing at all will die in those few minutes, but you can check for ammonia just to be safe.
Kiefers advice sounds real good, the sand does have to have time to resettle, running carbon will also help, just in case there was toxins under the sands surface.. Personally, I would be telling the wife no, I would not I move my beautiful SW tank to a belongs in the living room. JMO.