moving tank?


Active Member
if you go to your place 2 states away and had overnight shipping or something to ship all your stuff i think it would be fine but u would have to leave someone with your tank and trust them to take it apart and ship it for u.. but that would be expensive i would think..

coral keeper

Active Member
How long does it take for you to get to your new place? If it takes 1 day, you can pack everything up and ship them off your self and go to you new house right away. By the time the packages will be at your new house, you'll already be there.


Yes, you can (unless the two states are SoCal ->Washington).
Cheapest way:
Borrow or otherwise acquire 12-15 5 gal. salt buckets.
remove all corals, pack and keep immersed with tank water
remove all LR to buckets and keep immersed with tank water
remove all fish and inverts, pack and keep immersed with tank water
remove all sand to buckets and keep immersed with tank water
remove remaining water to buckets (including sump water)
load everything in truck and BOOK!
using the same water reduces trauma for all concerned.
it is inevitable that the stirred up sand will release crap into the water of the new tank, so put the sand in with ten gals. of new (preferably already mixed) water. as you begin adding original tank water siphon out as much detritus as possible simultaneously).
reintroduce everything else, wait 24 hours and do another 10% water change.


Bill is right but i have had friends have bad things happen while trying to move sand! The safest way is to what he said and re set up the tank with NO sand! then if you really want sand QT new Sand with new house water for at least 4 weeks and add slowly for the next 3 weeks till you have what u want. GOOD LUCK FRIEND!!! i have to the same task ahead of me too! i have moved three tanks now i am getting skilled