Moving tank


I am getting new flooring under my aquarium. What is the best way to keep my fish alive. I have a bicolored Angel and clown fish. I thought about getting a new large trashcan and putting the water, rocks, and fish in it. Then the 60 gallon aquarium should be light enough to move. I was going to put an air pump in the trash can. Will this work?


Staff member
I did a major reef tank move once without casualties. It sounds like you have only fish to worry about, no live rock? What about your substrate, inverts?


New Member
I did this a few years ago. I just bought two totes at Walmart and moved my water and rocks into the totes, and then slid them into another room where we were not doing the floors. I used an over the back filter and just hung it over the edge of the tote for the day while the floors were redone, and put everything back the next day. I don't have corals, so I am not sure if you do if lighting would be an issue or not.


I do have live rock ,but no corals so I don't really have to worry about lighting. It won't be for very long. Thank you. I feel better about it.


Staff member
Can easily be accomplished. Get rubbermaid containers, rectangle, from local box store large enough to contain your fish and live rock All can go into the container with your tank water, good power heads, heater if needed. You'll need to watch for water quality. Are you going to try and keep your sand?


Well-Known Member
You are just moving the tank to a different location then back right? You may be OK. I have found that when I have done that the sand still gets a bit funky. A month or so ago I emptied my 40 and put everything into my 125. I drained most of the water and let it sit a day with an inch or so of water before I took care of the sand. It was already pretty smelly. Strong smell of hydrogen sulfide.
I'd play it by ear and try not to disturb it. If it smells back be prepared to remove it and replace it with new sand.