well.... if any of you are familar with my situation. you will know that i dont know what i am doing but hopefully i am learning fast. when i set up the tank, time was of the essence and the live rock was just thrown in and not very organized. well i saw an opportunity to sort and stack so stupid me.... i got everything looking good. then and only then did i research it...... well i read that i should not stack them up like a mason stacking brick and allow some room to breath and allow places to hide. so.... i had to restack everything. i guess i was a little frustrated and in a hurry, not a good idea...... next day (today) my wife call and said that one of the rocks fell down. BOOGERS!!! well once i got home i reassesed my problem and began the restack. i sorted everything out once more and found the balance of neatness and function and stability. i feel like i have moved every thing around way too much but at least its safe from falling rocks. is there any danger from moving things around to much. i feel like i am done this time.