moving to new home


Active Member
I have done this twice. Both times we bought used tanks and reset up at our house. Total breakdown/setup time was 6 hrs of 125 gal w/ fish,corals,lr,ls.Travel time was 20 min.Siphon water into 5 gal jugs 1/2 way.Thentake out corals and put into tupperware w/water(more stable than a bunch of bags and easyer to stack for travel) then lr in rubbermaid totes with garbage bag inside them with some water(not too much, gets too heavy). Then scoop out fish, put in tupperware also. Take out most of water,put in more jugs. Didnt take last 2-3 inches of water cause that was nasty from being stirred up. Siphoned that off. Scooped out most of ls put in rubbermaid totes like lr make sure to add a little water in garbage bags. Disasemble all skimmers and heaters and etc. ready for travel then reset. You can use those throw away "GLadware" tupperware containers,also have on hand towels, ziploc bags and rool of plastic or old shower curtain to lay on floor. Then you dont have to worry when you take the rock of and drip all over the place. Everything survived both times. We have actually done this 4 times cause we upgraded our tank 2 times.Good luck and congrats on new home :joy: