moving turbo & astrea snails


New Member
Another question on moving a tank. Lol! I have turbos and astreas in the tank. If they are on a piece of lr, that's easy enough. But for the snails that are on the sides of the tank, how do you get them off? We have to take all the water out before we can move the tank so all snails must come out.


I move my tank 3 times a year(moving to and from school) and I have had much success getting snails off of the glass by pulling on the shell slightly and gently pushing on the side of the snails body, causing it to retreat into its shell and into your hand.


I have a 125 set up in my parents house and a 46 gal which I move around.(what your probably asking about)


New Member
I asked because I might be moving within the next year and I am setting up a 46g bow. DO you have a regimen for moving?


Active Member
all you have to do is twist them back and forth (like you are turning a radio dial. perhaps if your over 30 you know what a radio dial is) and they will come off. twist dont pull. snails can live for well over 24hrs out of water, found that out by accident.