moving...what to do w/ tank


so, im going to college, i cant take my tank with me.
i had the tank for about 2 years. all is doing geat with my livestock.
1) should i look to sell my tank peice by peice of as a whole?
2) should i sell to someone in town or does it matter?
20gal & 10 gal tanks
28 lbs figi LR
14 lbs tonga LR
aprox 40lbs live sand
1 clown
feath duster
blue linka star
scarlets hermits
coral banded shrimp
2 tiger cuke's
many shrooms
cnady coral
+ some more stuff i cant think of off the top of my head....


I know how you feel..Im moving for college in august, however im taking my tank with me and dreading the 400 mile trip to college..if you do sell piece by piece i am interested in those corals if your willing to ship..


Why can't you take your tanks? Check with you LFS maybe he can help you find a responsible buyer. Selling to just anybody with money might not be good for those that have depending on you for the last two years. Had a friend who divorce and sold her tank because she didn't have room at her new place, everything was dead in a month, buyer liked the tank, but didn't have a clue as to what to do with it. Best in my opinion is to break it up and sell to those interested on this site. Good luck!