Mr. Bill?


Active Member
i now that this is like the 500th ? i have asked but ur pair had a tube out rite and if so was it big or tiny and how long until she actually laid the eggs once it was down?


Active Member
Took a break from the forum for a bit. This tube that your refering to I havn't really paid much attention to. I didn't really plan or want them to lay eggs, but nature does what nature wants I suppose. I do recall seeing something from time to time, but I'll have to pay more attention to give you a real answer on this.
The way I've remembered it is.... she starts to get fat, and then one morning I see her not so fat anymore. Then I have to move a rock to actually see the eggs, they lay them in a cave that is part of the rock their anemone is on.


Active Member
I suspect either early morning or just after the bright lights went out in the night. I leave the antinics with moon lights on for about 1 hour before turning everything off.


Active Member
i do the same with my pair leave the actinicts on for about an hour mornig and evening my male keeps cleaning this 1spot idk if hes cleaning it for her?


Active Member
Probably not, where my fish lay is in a totally different spot than where they clear the glass. They pretty much clear all the way around the anemone from a territory stand point. They do it for the plain fact of being territorial with the anemone. They don't want anything in their territory other than anemone and rock. Even small rocks are pushed out of the way by mine.