Mr Pistal!!!!


Active Member
Well a few month ago i thought i had a mantis but i have this cool little instead..Just some pics i was able to get today of him coming out for some food..



Tha t rocks :happy: what kind of pistol shrimp is that, and why can't I get cool hitchikers like that instead of polyp eating nudis.


Active Member
its a bulls eye pistal pretty cool little shrimp he can be load at some times when somthing gets next to his cave..


i have a baby pistol shrimp in my tank somewhere, hes less then an inch long. i hope he is a bullseye they are so pretty


i have to pistols and one is a candy cane.(red white strip) and one is red. kinda like red flames.they are some nice colors. does the watchman and the pistol share the same hole? my candy cane doesnt leave my watchmans side. hes the small one only about 34in. and the other one(mean one) is about 2in. he does eat things, snails,hermits,fish(i lost 2 firefish dont know if thats what kill them, i only found one. but as long as i feed him 12 shrimp a week and hes a good boy lol!