Mr. Salty and Others


Hello, two things: First, how can I access your pictures? Second, does anyone have an idea on how fast fish grow. In particular, I just purchased two small maroon clowns. Thank You!!


Just had another question: My water has had a slight haze to it for quite a while. you don't notice it unless to look through the tank from the side. Should the water be crystal clear? From the front it looks fine, all levels are ok, salinity is .021. Just curious.

mr . salty

Active Member
As for looking at pics,if you look above my post there is a small box with a face in it and a ?.Click on that and it will open my profile.There you will find a link to my home page.Just click on it. Your cloudy water could be a number of things including free floating bacteria or algae spores.But my guess is that it is a young tank,so This in itself may be the cause. A polishing filter media like carbon will most likly clear it up.Or if you are planning a fish only tank you could get a UV sterilizer.This will definatly get the water clear.