Mr. Salty!!! Think I found your hybrid tang!


I think I found it!!! Not 100 percent sure it's called an adult archilles tang, but the picture is a pic of the tang you showed us. The thing is I can't post the link. Give me your e mail address and i'll email the site to you. Man it's a nice lookin fish!


Youre welcome mr. salty. I might of typed the link wrong, I could send you another e mail later if you want.


If the fish is on a online store,and labeled as a adult Achilles tang,then it is a adult achilles tang.They know what they are selling,and a adult male could be somewhat similar in color to the hybrid.

mr . salty

Active Member
They obviously have thier photos mixed up..That or they don't have a clue as to what they are selling...The picture is NOT an adult achillies tang..I had one,I know,,,An adult Achillies has an ALL BLACK body. that is the wrong picture,or a very sick fish..Just consider the sorce(the online store that posted the pic).They have a VERY POOR reputation for thier livestock...But again,Thanks for looking out...
[ October 24, 2001: Message edited by: MR . SALTY ]


New Member
Mr. Salty. I was showing my girfriend the pic you posted on the Hybrid you were looking for and said to her "I want one of these fish too". She's into fish too but definately not like I am. Anyway she said "oh yea i saw one of them ot the LFS near my house, arn't they pretty". I said "what? are you sure it looks like this one!?" she said "yea, pretty sure" So I went to have a look for myself and sure enough it was. They are advertising it as an archilles tang. I asked where they got it and of course they wouldn't tell. They only had one and said they could get more but it may take a few weeks. I can give you their info if you want and maybe they can have one directly shipped to you. I did spend a bundle for it eithor.

mr . salty

Active Member
Email me the info if you want.I would appreciate it.Also if there is any way you can verify that it is one of the HYBRED'S,not just a reg Achillies...


how much are they selling the tang for..................probably alot. it may need a drum roll........ drum roll please............
flame :D


can you re-post the picture of the tang on this post. i would like to print it out and show it to some local marine experts.see what i can do. lol.


New Member
No didn't really pay that much. It was $74. I'm going to try to get a pic soon but I don't have a dig camera so I got to do it the old fashion way, take a pic, develope the film, then scan.
Originally posted by Justyn:
<STRONG>Mr. Salty. I was showing my girfriend the pic you posted on the Hybrid you were looking for and said to her "I want one of these fish too". She's into fish too but definately not like I am. Anyway she said "oh yea i saw one of them ot the LFS near my house, arn't they pretty". I said "what? are you sure it looks like this one!?" she said "yea, pretty sure" So I went to have a look for myself and sure enough it was. They are advertising it as an archilles tang. I asked where they got it and of course they wouldn't tell. They only had one and said they could get more but it may take a few weeks. I can give you their info if you want and maybe they can have one directly shipped to you. I did spend a bundle for it eithor.</STRONG>
I don't know what kind of fish you guys are talking about, but can you please email me the website link where this pic of this fish is and tell me how much it is or whatever. If it is a achilles hybrid, I am interested. It isn't a powder brown-achilles hybrid is it? I have seen a few of those before and those are supposed to be just as difficult to keep as a powder brown or more so and cost a ton. Anyways, just let me know what you guys are talking about and let me in on where I can find this fish and so on, thanks.


The fish you bought is deffinately a achilles tang,a hybrid is really rare,and lfs get their fish from wholesalers,and if it was a hybrid they would know.It is probably a healthy male achilles with good coloration.Have you ever seen a achilles tang up close before you bought this one?How big is it?The price you paid is what a good achilles tang costs.and if they said they are getting more in,it is deffinately a achilles tang.


New Member
dasnake03, the fish i bought is definately not just an achilles tang. Yes, i have seen many adult achilles tangs and this one does not have the same shape nor color markings. It has the same color markings as the pic Mr Salty posted except this one is not as dark blue, Actually it is more brown then blue. I will post a pic as soon as possible.

mr . salty

Active Member
Once again,,,Here is the fish I am looking for..Notice it does NOT have the orange teardrop at the tail...Itr is a mix between an ACHILLIES and a GOLD RIM

[ October 28, 2001: Message edited by: MR . SALTY ]