Mr. Salty, where are you?

Salty, where are you man, I have emailed you quit a few emails over the last month or so and not one reply. I know your old email doesn't work, but I emailed you at your account that works. So I am just going to ask you here so you can answer some things for me. First of all, hows your tank doing? I don't know if I heard right or not, but I thought I read some post saying your achilles (speedy) died, is this true? How, why, what happened? What about the rest of the fish, they doin good I hope. I have a question about your two fish that you have as I am going to try the same combo of the two soon. I am talking about the pb and achilles tangs. I have read soooo many books and talked to so many "experts" about the possibility of adding these two fish together to the same tank, and they all say, no way, it won't work. But you have them, and they seemed to work. So I would like to know what you did when you got them (ie. how big were they, did you add them at the same time, or what order. Did they fight with each other or any of your other tangs? In what order did you add them in comparison to your other tangs and fish?). I am just obsessed with these two fish, and when I see them at a lfs (not very ofen, the achilles only one time), I am just totally fixated on their behavior and beauty and am determined to keep them together. I have a 125g like you with around 130-140lbs of lr(lots of hiding places, caves, etc), water quality is not even an issue, my test kits show it to be perfect. So do you have any secrets you used to get them to get along? If you could email me about this (or post it here, whatever) I would appreciate it. I have seen and know of other fish hobbyists that have kept 2, 3, 4, even 5 adult angels together that shouldn't work, but never a pb and achilles together(in fact you are the only person I have known to keep an achilles tang). Thanks for your help, and keep up the good work on your tank. Jollygreen

mr . salty

Active Member
Yes I did have a problem with my tank,But that has been almost a year ago now.It was just after christmas last year,My tank blew a seam and I had to replace the whole tank.In doing the switch I forgot,and left the bucket of CC outside in the cold for a couple of hours.When I set the whole thing back up there were a number of problems that popped up.#1 was a small recycle from the CC I let freeze.#2 was a bacterial outbreak of some kind that killed off almost half of my fish.Including my Achillies,Powder blue,and Atlantic blue tangs.I have since switched over to 100+lbs of live sand,and have added quite a bit more rock...I still only have a few fish(10) in the tank now.But things are really looking good in there...The Achillies/powderblue is NOT a good combo...Mine fought alot.Mostly the powder blue being the aggressor...He also hated the Atlantic blue that I had.IMO you should skip the powderblue.They are very hard too keep,and by far the most agressive Tang I have ever had...


Active Member
I'm certaimly sorry for the loss the Mr. Salty had. My experiences as mentioned in other posts has been different. I've had my PB for 1 1/2 years and he is the best. He mixes very well w/ other tangs except those in his same family (sohal , achillies). I would recommend you get one that of course is healthy and keep him w/ a yellow or purple, and hippo . You will see that he was my #1 fish when answering other post on "favorite fish".