Mr. Salty


With your algae tank that you have for your filtration, do you have any problems with the algae getting into your actual show tank and causing problems? And Another question, with overflows, what determines what gph the overflow produces? I'm thinking of making my own due to the fact that the overflow's I've seen for 1200gph or so are upwards of $100 and from the looks of it could be made for about 20. Any ideas?


Another Question, would say a 2 inch crushed coral base with an extra inch to inch and a half ls base be adequate or do you suggest intirely ls?

mr . salty

Active Member
First off,if your wanting to go with sand,Go all sand.It doesn't have to be all LIVE SAND,just a bag or two of the live stuff will quickly seed the rest. The algae cannot get into the rest of my system because there is a plastic screen that seperates the last couple of inches of the tank where the syphon tubes are. Algae spores would have to survive a trip through the UV before they get into the main tank(not likly).And PLEASE DON"T MAKE YOUR OWN OVERFLOW. These are probably the most important piece of equiptment in this setup. One small miscalculation and your tanks water is on the floor and all it's inhabitants are dead.True,they look simple,but even I would buy one before I tried to make one.(and I'm a diy wizzard)The size of the syphon tube and size and number of drain yubes in an overflow box depermines it's capasity.