Mr. Tang, fshhub, etc. sympathy

kris walker

Active Member
Wow, Mr. Tang is really in high demand these days. :) I hope he has the time to answer every post that is obviously meant for him.
Although most probably realize the disease board does not have many participants, it may help Mr. Tang a lot more if we all ask questions to everyone, rather than just single out one person only for an answer (e.g. QT procedures).
This also applies to other members like fshhub, terry, adrian, and beth for the topics they are often asked for help on.
Just a thought,


Active Member
i agree, although i am flattered, to be asked for, i do think that general questions(other then my specific system) should be directed to all, i know i sometimes do not read posts addressed to other members,because they are assumed to be for that individual, anyhow, buy my not reading(or any individual), we miss out on some important info, i myself may not answer or may not benefit from the advice given to others, by missing the whole thread,
so if you got q's about my specific whatever or wish to contact me, or wish to talk wiht me(or any other members), i will answer
BUT , leave the general questions open to all, besides there are many other members who have more experience than myselfwho too would be happy to help, but may not, since they are addressed to others
also, it may make others feel less significant(nothing meant towards anyone), so if it is not meant to be for one particular individual, please address to all
TANKS(pun) fshhub


Active Member
tanks sammy, it is just how i see things, this board is open to all, and unless you need someone special for a reason, it should b 4 all, and most of us here want to help ALL