Mud filters


New Member
I've bin out of this for many years and I'm just getting back into it. Can someone please tell me if I should set up a mud filter for my salt water reef tank.


Active Member
Don't quote me here, but mine has worked great so far.
I do not skim (I have heard not to skim with these systems), and haven't done any water changes (going to start soon doing 10% weekly). My system has been running for about 5 months and the calcium is at 600 and alk. is OK (test kit I have is crap and only measures alk in low, good, high). Haven't tested trace elements, assuming they are OK as my corals are all very healthy. I add cycloop eeze about once a week or so.
I just put a bag of the "myricle" mud in the sump and planted my macros in it. So far so good. I don't normally trust things with the name "myricle" in them, but so far it seems to be working.
Look around, there are several different main "systems" described here. Many beleive bare-bottom is the way to go. A fewer amount beleive in a deep-sand bed. Most don't have a "system", but their tanks just work in their own unique way. Search around and read up :yes: .