Mud or Sand for HOB fuge??


I am putting an XL HOB fuge on my tank and I am torn about what to use in it. Should I use Live Sand, Miracle Mud, Fiji Mud ?? I don't know. Please help. I have some cheato in my other tank I want to put in it as soon as I get this going but would like to add some gracilaria algae as well. Any ideas? Thanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sirk
I am putting an XL HOB fuge on my tank and I am torn about what to use in it. Should I use Live Sand, Miracle Mud, Fiji Mud ?? I don't know. Please help. I have some cheato in my other tank I want to put in it as soon as I get this going but would like to add some gracilaria algae as well. Any ideas? Thanks.
I prefer the Mudd because you already have ls in you Display, and its suppose to constantly add trace elements.. read


Thanks!! Makes perfect sense. I thought I came accross a thread about this many months ago but couldn't find it. Much appreciation!!