Multi-Clown Question


OK Guys, Hypothetically. If some one were to set up a 200gl clown/anem. only tank. How many different types of anem. and how many different types of clowns could you add together.
Anems would be added first and settled in.
Then add the clowns all at one time. How many? Types?


Originally Posted by koldsouth
OK Guys, Hypothetically. If some one were to set up a 200gl clown/anem. only tank. How many different types of anem. and how many different types of clowns could you add together.
Anems would be added first and settled in.
Then add the clowns all at one time. How many? Types?
In MY Opinion...
as a general rule - different species nems will kill other species nems. you might be able to get away with different colors of the same species and you will note that I said MIGHT and also that I said as a general rule.
as for clowns, 2 pairs if you have lots of rock and hiding places, maybe 3 if you have tons of rock and hiding spaces.
you also need to remember that some clowns get quite large, so in a few years, you could have 4 or 6 tomato clowns that are 4 - 6 inches big, territorial, and pissed off thet there are other big clowns in their tank.
you might be able to get away with it, if you buy a bunch of same species little ones and let them establish things like hierarchy, territories, etc on their own. I could be wrong, your mileage may vary, tax title and license not included.