Multi Tiered Tank

Curious plans for a new 125 I have going and just wondering if anyone has had a similar idea.
The plans are for a 125 possible 180 reef with a 2 tiered sub division on either the back wall or either side...Or maybe both sides. The general idea is to put about a 4inch layer of bottom live sand, maybe dry agronite, I don't think it really matters, and then have a "second story". I have test built a 40 gallon with a "half pyramid on the right side of the tank, and then I coated all of the pvc with a gel glue, and placing about 3 dozen small chunks of LR to pvc. I waited for the LR to dry to the PVC. Later I poured dry sand over it until there was a inch thick layer on all the pvc. This in itself created a hollow mountain on the one side of the tank. it looked actually really realistic because I had the nice dry sand and then it had protruding chunks of live rock basically covering the entire build.
After that was done I took interesting pieces of LR and built off the mound and then back down to the first tier.
I never really added anything to it, I was just curious to see how it would turn out.
One would need a lot of LR chunks and A LOT of sand for a 125 or 180. But it would look damn cool if a lot of time was put into it.
anyone do anything similar before?


Active Member
Man I am glad I wasnt the only one that was confused. I was starting to think maybe I was a little slow if you know what I mean haha.

scopus tang

Active Member
The Jan 2008 Issue of Marine Fish and Reef had something kind of similar. The article is entitled "What is Live-Framing". It shows using PVC pipe and gluing Liverock the the PVC to create a structured look rather than a rock pile. They actually hang rock off the PVC stand, so they can be removed. Not sure if thats the type of thing you are referring to or not. Also, they do nothing with gluing the sand to the PVC.
lolol. Sorry for the confusion. when I build another I will take some pics. I built this before I even knew about lol. but as for what you said scopus tang, with the exception of not gluing the sand, thats pretty much what I'm talking about.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by The Egregious
lolol. Sorry for the confusion. when I build another I will take some pics. I built this before I even knew about lol. but as for what you said scopus tang, with the exception of not gluing the sand, thats pretty much what I'm talking about.
Nice, got a buddy who's talking about doing something similar with his tank this summer, I'll put him onto this thread.