Multiple Anemones?



I have a couple Rock Anemones and *I think* a Bubble-tip anemone (It was a hitch-hiker on my LR) in my 29 gallon tank. My clowns haven't hosted in any of the anemones. The Bubble-tip is too small for them to host. It is only about a 1/2" across. I am wondering if I could add an anemone that is known for True Percula clowns to host in. i.e. a Pink Hatian Anemone. None of my Rock Anemones have moved since I got them. Only my small Bubble-tip has moved. They are doing really, really well and I would hate for anything to happen to them. Thanks!


Active Member
The clowns won't host the Haitian. There is a good chance that they'll host the BTA though.
Multiple anemones in a small tank is not a good idea because they will compete chemically.