Multiple Anenome?


What's the rule about having various ones in the same tank? Is there a certain amount of space(or gallons) per?
I currently have a nice sized bubble tip and i'm looking to add a long tenticle purple tipped anenome.


i have a BTA and a Haitian LTA in a 24 gal nano and they're perfectly content. other ppl will tell you don't ever mix anems and don't have multiples in the same tank unless the original anem splits. if you're looking for a "rule", you're mostly going to hear don't do it. but at the same time, for every person telling you no there's another person who has a success story to contradict.


I agree I have 2 BTA, LTA, and a pink tip Haitian(sp) in my 150 and had a huge carpet (got to big was eating fish, big fish) I think it is fine just give them plenty of room away from each other. Also BTA dont sting other BTA. You can get several different BTA and put them on the same rock looks awsome clowns love it


Active Member
Keeping anemones of different species in the same tank is asking for trouble and eventually will put havoc on your tank mates . Usually the "success stories" are from people that haven`t had the anemones long enough to even be considered a success . Most of the people[including me] have had several anemones for years and years and have learned from the experiences and try to pass it on to others that don`t have the experience . Your mixed anemone success will eventually end in disaster .


This tank had one disaster before I got it, there was the current BTA and a LTA, the LTA got too close to the BTA and the BTA won. Which is why i was concerned about adding another. I really like the way the LTAs look compared to the one currently in my tank.