Multiple Anenomes bad or good?



I have a 39 gallon corner tank, and was wondering if that is too small for a carpet anenome?
Also whats yalls thoughts about multiple anenomes in a tank this size with two maroon clownfish. I heard from someone that it can cause the clownfish to kinda be stressed trying to host them all.
All I have now is a Rose BTA the two clowns and a neon dottyback, any cool ideas of what to add next would also be appreciated.


Active Member
Carpets will get 12" in diameter in no time. Just for a visual reference, go get your largest dinner plate, and see if there's anywhere you can place it comfortably in the tank.


Carpets can grow anywhere from 12 to 36 inches depending on the species.Rbta's split pretty regularly if your water conditions are right.


I would go with a BTA, you can have more then one in your tank, and hopefully you can get it to spawn. Carpets are very very nice. I use to have a huge blue one. all though they are know to eat ANYTHING that gets cough in them. I have even heard of them eating clown fish that host them. tho I never had that happen to me.
You can get a idea here is my tank I have old pics with the carpet and new ones with my btas.


Ya ill just stick with the BTA I got right now and see how it does, I dont think a carpet would allow for much extra space in my tank


Active Member
Adding different type anemones to a tank can lead to a chemical war between the anemones. Only attempt this in a large system where this will not be an issue.
Also remember that anemones can travel. A big anemone in a small tank will undoubtedly migrate at some point to a place you don't want it to be.
I've never heard of a Clownfish becoming over stressed from hosting multiple anemones. I wouldn't think that would ever be an issue, but Clownfish can do odd things sometimes...