Multiple clownfish


My LFS just recently got a shipment of ORA frags. I went ahead and picked up a couple since they are pretty hard to find locally.
Anyway, The Lfs told me ORA made him buy a bunch of aquacultured clowns to get the order.
Now, I want to add four of these to my tank, two orange and two black and white.
I have a 125 reef with a yellow tang a coral beauty and 4 chromis.
Can I do this? ......and have success?


I think it has been done before, especially if you add them all at once. However, It is probably not ideal and you would be better off keeping just one pair


Active Member
The problem is, the fish have to agree to your plan. It would be great if we could be "OK, you guys take this end, and you guys have this end" and voila. But they may not do that, and so there is some risk of trouble.


I haven't decided what to do yet, I think they will be fine as juveniles. They have spent the early part of their life together and are in the same small tank now. Its when they start to mature that worries me. I have a 125 long, so I think the space is adequate, but ... I have found over the years that fish do what they want for their own apparent reasons, regardless of the amount of research I do first.


Are these black Percula and regular pers? If so there should be no problem as long as each has a mate. In a 6ft tank there will likely be no issues, but if so you will know fast.


There are a bunch of them from ora, regular percs and black percs.
By mate do you mean two of each (this is my want) or a specific mated pair? Cuz there are about ten of each in a frag tank. I wouldn't think they are mated yet,


Active Member
if they are little they dominant one of each will become the female and they will pare. Clowns pare very easily since all are male and as they age the dominant one change to a female. I think you be fine


Active Member
yes a common name is false perc but there is a true perc and a false perc and they both look the same.


I Just added 2 False Percs to my 80 RT. There was for several months a pair with a 6+ spread Carpet. So now I have 4 False Percs 2 are medium and 2 are slightly larger. The smaller ones I see are a bit lighter in orange color than the Larger ones. The Larger ones were in a 10 Gal. together for 3 months. I just made the transfer and the bigger clowns have already commandeered the Carpet. Basically the smaller Percs are in exile across the tank...I have 15 corals hopefully they will find a new home. The larger Percs are harassing the smaller Percs as they try to get back to the Carpet. I will monitor the behavior in the coming weeks. I hope this was not a mistake as I have too much corals and LR to even get them out that would be a challange.


Originally Posted by 2cold2fish
Thanks all, I'm gonna give it a try.........I think.
Aren't all A.Ocellaris False Perculas?
I do hope that it works for you, but I also want you to understand that this is a risk.