multiple eels


I presently have a sfe, with a dwarf fuzzy, 2 percs, coral beauty and a sailfin.
Just out of curiosity could I include another eel? Would a zebra be possible?
By the way I have a 110g 72" x 18" x 18"


Active Member
depending on the amount of lr/hiding places u have it could very well be possible, i have seen some very nice eel combos on this board, especially AW2x3's


putting to eels together would be ok
but in your tank
with your sailfin when it gets huge
and you get a zebra you might be pushing your limits
especially because ive seen some zebras max out at 2 feet and ive also see 4 foot individuals
mine is 32 inches long now and is still growing at a pretty good pace


Active Member
you may be pushing your bioload in the future but the two eels should get along fine my sfe and zebra eel usually stay in the same cave tangled together they only seperate when it is feeding time


i would say no. the demensions of that tank just are not for large eels or multiple eels. in fact the tank is not really wide enough for the sailfin either. you may want to reconsider the sailfin, maybe trade it in for a yellow or similar