Multiple Heteractis Magnifica Anemones


Can more than one Heteractis Magnifica Anemone be kept in a tank at close proximety? If they touch with they fight or will they just act like the other is not there. I am wanting to make a 30 gallon into a anemone/clownfish tank only. With multiple anemones and multiple species of clownfish. There will be 300 watts of light and a wave maker for the anemones.


While a speices tank is a neat idea, many of us have already learned that trying to keep multiple species of clownfish doesn't work most of the time. Better to just stick with two of one kind.
With regards to the multi anemones, this also can be done with clones of the same speices but this normally only happens with BTA's or RBTA's the other remaing anemones don't normally propigate in our home aquariums. So I would not put two of the same type together, that could just be trouble.


I have found that having different speices of clown fish in the same tank is fine, as long as they are all put in at the same time, so all are new to the tank and have not established territory. Previously, I had Clarki, Percula, Skunk co-existing together. Yeah, once in a while, they would chase each other, but not damaging behavior. This was in a 58 gallon.
I might just stick to all True Percula, but would definately like to try and have multiple anemones of the same species so the clowns have their own homes. I'd like 3 pair, so have 3 anemones.