Multiple Morays



I have a Snowflake Moray and a Fimbriated Moray. They are in separate tanks, but I'm wondering if I can put them both in my 125? There's PVC pipe in the tank and a bunch of rocks for hiding. Thanks!


Active Member
If the eels are of similar size then they should be ok together. You may want to add another pvc so they don't have to share the same one.


Originally Posted by Arlene1995
I have a Snowflake Moray and a Fimbriated Moray. They are in separate tanks, but I'm wondering if I can put them both in my 125? There's PVC pipe in the tank and a bunch of rocks for hiding. Thanks!
sure i had my fimbriated i w/ 4 other eels .now in little 75 w/ a wolf eel , doin good in new tank


The Fimbriated Eel is 16" and the Snowflake is just under 12". Is that too much of a difference? I am planning to add some more pipe as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Arlene1995
The Fimbriated Eel is 16" and the Snowflake is just under 12". Is that too much of a difference? I am planning to add some more pipe as well.
I'd think that they'd be ok but it's more about the thickness than the length. If one is big enough to try and eat the other then you may have problems.


There is only about a 1/2" difference. The Fimbriated Eel is thicker and alot more aggressive. However, the Snowflake is always out even though it has a pipe in its current tank while the Fimbriated Eel hides all day in his pipe in his tank. Does it sound like it will work? Thanks for all the help!


Originally Posted by Arlene1995
There is only about a 1/2" difference. The Fimbriated Eel is thicker and alot more aggressive. However, the Snowflake is always out even though it has a pipe in its current tank while the Fimbriated Eel hides all day in his pipe in his tank. Does it sound like it will work? Thanks for all the help!

i have no pvc tubes in either of my tanks everybodys fine .i hate hiders spend $$ for fish 2 hide.not for me!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Arlene1995
There is only about a 1/2" difference. The Fimbriated Eel is thicker and alot more aggressive. However, the Snowflake is always out even though it has a pipe in its current tank while the Fimbriated Eel hides all day in his pipe in his tank. Does it sound like it will work? Thanks for all the help!
It's a bit of a gamble. 1/2" in thickness is considerable. I'd rather see a larger sfe with a smaller fimbriated because the sfe is more docile. However, this is not an exact science. I think they would PROBABLY be ok but I'd keep a close eye on them.