multiple triggers???



i currently have a niger trigger about 2in in my tank now along with a neon dotty,2 true purcula clowns,a banggai cradinal and a orange stripe prawn goby.i was by my lfs n they had a 2in bursa trigger that was sick n about to kick it so my friend offered it too me to try n nurse him back to good health.i have had him for a cple days now in my 10gal med tank n he looks 100%better n is alot more active now. has anyone ever had a bursa n a nier together in the same tank or along with any of the listed fish?i know once the triggers get bigger they might find the fellow tank mates good for lunch but i plan to exchange them before they get too big for my tank and replace them with smaller ones again.any info would be great.thanks.


New Member
Ive had a niger and a picasso in an 80g for about a year now they do fine together. The niger is suprisingly more aggressive. There are two damsel fish that have been in there with them the entire time, and I added a harlequin tusk about 4 months aqo. They are starting to get big so a new tank is in order. They have all done fine and seem to tolerate each other. There is quite a bit of LR in there so they do have a lot of places to swim through and hide.


cool gona drop him in ina day or when i get off work again so i can watch him all day see how he does.thanks for the info.