Mushroom cap popped off!!


I've noticed this one mushroom cap looking like it was detaching from the rock the rest of them are on, and i just found it floating around the bottom of the tank. I placed it on some rock. Do they do this?? Will it die??


Active Member
Scarey Huh? Felt the same way the first time.:eek:
Fortunately, they do that often. Their way of moving.
Nothing to worry about.
Good Luck!


Yes they do that :D It will replant itself given a chance, and they will keep spreading like that. After a while, they'll be all over the place :D


Active Member
Yeah. That's how they spread all over yopur tank. Instead of a few rocks with a bunch of mushrooms on them, you'll eventually get a few rocks with a frew mushrooms on them and a bunch of isolated mushrooms all over the place. Don't worry, it gives the tank a great distribution of color!


This is a natural occurence in mushrooms as a means of self propogation. I have red that the occurrence of disk separation is often a response to "overcrowding" in a particular cluster. The disk separates to float off with the chance of landing in a new less congested area. You can actually do this intentionally yourself with a sharp pair of scissors. Just snip the head off of one of your existing mushrooms and stick it in/on another piece of lr in your tank. Once the severed piece attaches it will resume growth. The best thing is that the stump you left behind will also resume growing a new cap. Gotta love mushrooms!